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Day 5: 17th December 2021
|| Values in Science ||
We often hear that for science to be objective, our moral, political, social, and aesthetic goals need to be left out of science altogether. Science is, ideally, about emotionally detached reasoning about the structure of the world. After all, the world doesn't change how it works because of what is valuable to us. But science is also deeply tied up with moral and political issues such as research on climate change, gender or race, or genetic tracing. Should science steer clear of values or should science embrace values as a part of its practice? If we should accept values into science, which ones and when? These are some of the questions and issues we will discuss.
Introductory Session & Curricular Lecture
10am IST
4.30am GMT

Thematic Talk
7pm IST
1.30pm GMT
5.30am PST
8.30am EST

Jacob Stegenga
(University of Cambridge)
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